Monday, August 30, 2010

Blah: A Tale of Cosplay

It has been difficult to keep this blog updated, despite the posts that are all swimming around in my head. The problem is that I feel BLAH about the entire cosplay world.

I feel blah about the politics of it.
I feel blah about everyone's competitive nature.
I feel blah about the drama.

I'm all blahed out.

I love this hobby so much and it is one of those hobbies where you can not allow others to ruin it for you. Therefore I am currently constructing a plan - mad scientist style [nah, just kidding] - of how to keep my love for this hobby without worrying about the community of it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


There is something incredibly odd about conventions and the affect they have on people. A lot of con goers - no matter the con - feel safe amongst people of their “own kind”. There inhibitions are lowered as they learn they’re not the “only one”. They let their guard down a great deal.

But a convention should be a place to put your guard up even more. No matter the fact you are all fans of something, conventions can still be a dangerous place. There can be theft. Violence. Etc. After the recent stabbing at Comic Con and the fire alarm being pulled at Otakon, it is definitely time to talk about something most people DO NOT think about when they are away for a weekend of fun: Safety.