Monday, June 13, 2011

An Update - GASP!

14 followers? Last I checked I had 10. Hello four new followers!

I have not updated lately for several reasons.
1.) I have been super busy lately! There was Animazement (which was not a good con, but I had fun doing non-con things) and Electronic Entertainment Expo (which was an incredible event!). This is my first full day home in a week. Hopefully I can start blogging more.

2.) My desire to market this blog and gain a readership. After a year of having this blog and my movie blog, neither have reached a high number of readers. I do appreciate the readers that I do have (and hope they continue to follow me), but, as a writer, i am all about gaining readers so my writing gets read. Eventually I want a writing related job so it is a bit disappointing when reader numbers are low.

3.) I can not think of anything note worthy I have done cosplay wise! I have been meaning to talk about how i made Litchi and, now, Baby Doll, but I am not exactly "proud" of these costumes. Actually, i am proud because I made them myself with little to no help. But I do not know if they are appreciated enough by others to warrant being written about. That shouldnt matter, but, unfortunately, it does.

4.) I have been wanting to rant about cosplay. Just RANT about it. There are just so many things that are irking me about the community. Unaware if this is just the anime side of the community, I need to attend different genre conventions to see if these issues are just within the anime community. And also does it have to deal with the size of the cons as well. There are many variables as to why this issues arise but i need to research a little more before I discuss them.