Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Say Hello To: Cupcake Disko

Samantha Handler, or Cupcake Disko, is a 23 year old cosplayer from Winter Garden, Florida. I first saw her on Her username was quite cute to me and she had uploaded a picture of her Baby Doll (Sucker Punch) charms and I inquired about purchasing some from her for my own Baby Doll costume. After that, I saw her picture popping up in several places and also in Ackson's videos from Megacon. I was highly impressed by her costumes, especially since she had only started cosplaying last year. I wanted to interview her a bit to get to know more about her and to put her in a well-deserved spotlight.

-You have not been cosplaying for very long, but are very talented. Did you know how to sew before starting this hobby? What made you start cosplaying?

:: I actually hadn't had much sewing experience before I got into cosplaying. My grandma taught my sisters and I how to knit when we were young, as well as mend simple holes in our clothes. But using a machine was certainly a learning experience! I do have a degree in Interior Design though & I feel its helped me a great deal in planning cosplay projects.

What made me start cosplaying was the amazing textures/layers/details that you find on your favorite characters. Its amazing how easily you can bring that character to life! Plus who wouldn't want to walk around for a day as someone else?! haha

-What did you think of the movie Sucker Punch?

:: I absolutely loved the movie Sucker Punch. Despite all the poor reviews, I thought it was a very interesting film that presented a unique style of story telling. You have to admire the actresses for learning so much about the weapons they used in the film. Over all, the visuals were great, sound track was so powerful, fight scenes were incredible and the story was exciting!

-What made you choose Baby Doll over all the other awesome ladies in Sucker Punch?

:: I immediately wanted to cosplay Babydoll over the other girls in Sucker Punch just because she looked like so much more than just a pretty face. And I was right! She has such a complex background and I think her character is wonderful! Another reason why I choose her over the others to cosplay is her weapons. I loved how personal they were to her. The little charms hanging from her pistol put a divider up from being just an ordinary weapon to an actual personal possession of hers. Also Babydoll's Katana has an inscription design along the blade telling the story of her life. I thought that was so unique for a character!

-Your Vanille is very impressive! What was it like making and wearing that costume? Was it difficult or easy?

:: Thank you! Vanille was my very first cosplay and she means a lot to me! Making the costume was a long process. I had finished my first version within 4 days of the game release and went to MegaCon 10 that weekend. A few months later, I made her Binding Rod, then went ahead and tweaked the beading, skirt, purchased a wig, altered the boots and changed the fur. I premiered my "second go" at MetroCon 10 but still wasn't 100% satisfied with it. For Dragon*Con 10 I changed the fur for a third time then changed a few more details. I can now officially say Vanille is finished ^_^

Wearing Vanille's outfit is so much fun! It takes a bit of time to put all those layers on, but she's such a sweet and endearing character that all those feelings sort of come over me as well!

-How do you choose the characters your cosplay?

:: That is a great question! Its more than just a pretty outfit. I have to feel a connection to the Character as well as feel comfortable walking around in their clothes! What seems to be a trend in the characters I choose [besides the reoccurring pigtails] is that they are all strong characters in their own way. They all symbolize innocence as well as strength and I believe that is how I portray myself.

-What conventions do you attend? What has been your favorite convention experience?

::MegaCon [Orlando, FL] MetroCon [Tampa, FL] AFO [Orlando, FL] Dragon*Con [Atlanta, GA]

Dragon*Con was my favorite for 2010, it was overwhelming! Stretching across 4 hotels!
But as of this year, MegaCon 2011 was very awesome! Was able to be featured in two of Acksonl's videos. Very excited about that!

-What do you like to do besides cosplay?

::I feel like I've let work get the best of me. I work & work & work! But when I'm not, I spend as much time as I can with my fiance relaxing at home with our two dachshunds that we love! I also have a clay jewelry business that I started off as a hobby and now is quickly becoming a full time job! My etsy shop is

-How was it like working with Ackson for his videos?

::So awesome!! He first found me about about 7 months ago on and mentioned the videoshoots he does. I didn't think I could pull of "acting" as the character but once we met in person, it wasn't difficult at all! He is a unique artist and I was pretty impressed with his work, especially since its all for fun. I thought it was a great experience and I am very thankful for the opportunity!

-Where do you see yourself in a couple of years with this hobby? What do you want to accomplish?

:: I'm not sure where I see myself in a few years cosplay wise. I know that it has opened my possibilities up and has expanded my clay business. Being able to share my cosplay pieces with others, across the world, is such a great feeling! Being recognized and having my art/work appreciated as well as giving inspiration to others is really all I ever wish to accomplish!

Thanks, Samantha! I can not wait to see more of your costumes. Maybe we'll run into each other at Dragon*Con later this year!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jessi's Guide To: Conventions in the South East

Since I live in the South East, I always wondered just how many cons there are in this region. There seems to be THOUSANDS at times as my friends, who are spread out across the South East, seem to attend conventions every weekend. I decided to create a handy dandy guide to conventions here in the South East!

My own knowledge

All dates are 2011 unless otherwise noted. Organized by STATE.


Sukoshicon | *seems to travel to different places throughout the year*
Imagicon *cancelled event*
Mobicon | May 20-22
Rocket City FurMeet | May 27-29
Hama Con | June 3-5
Persacon | July 15-17
Play On Con | Jul 29-Aug 1
Con*Stellation | Sept 16-18
CrisisCon | Oct 7-9

Arkansas Anime Festival | Nov 19-20

GI Joe Con | March 31-April 3
FreeCon | April 8-9
Jacksonville Anime Day | May 7
The Florida Anime Experience | May 27-29
PariahCon | June 10-11
Metrocon | June 17-19
Florida Super Con | July 1-4
Anime Festival Orlando | August 5-7
Mizucon | August 19-21
Chibi Pa | Nov 4-6
Shadocon | Nov 11-14
FANdom | Nov 12-13
Megacon March 25-27

Atlanta Anime Day | May 14
Seishun-con | June 3-5
Dragon*con | Sept 2-5
Anime Weekend Atlanta | Sept 20-Oct 2
Atlanta Comic Con | Dec 3-4
Momocon | March

OMG Con | June 3-5
Sugoicon | Nov 4-6

Lousianime | April 24-24
MechaCon | August 26-28

I could not find information on ANY conventions being held in this state. I find that rather odd and maybe I'm missing something

North Carolina
Hoshicon | April 23
Animazement | May 27-29
Ichibancon | Jan 5-8, 2012
UNCC Spring Jams Expo | April 10, 2010 *unsure of con status*

South Carolina
Columbia Anime Con | April 30 - May 1
Roundcon | Oct 14-16 *held twice a year*
Nashicon | March 19-20
Xcon World | October

JAMPCon *this convention was in Chattanooga, but is Cancelled*
MTAC | April 22-24
Tiger Con | May 13-15
Knoxville Anime and Comic Con | June 18-19
Anime Blues | July 8-10
MidSouth Con | March 23-25, 2012

Anime Mid-Atlantic | June 17-19
Nekocon | Nov 4-6
Anime USA | Nov 18-20
MAGFest | Jan 13-16

West Virginia
Tsubasacon | Oct 7-9

Please if you are aware of any other conventions please LET ME KNOW. You can email me at I am looking for conventions of ANY TYPE, but specifically anime, gaming, comics, all manners of geekiness, etc.