Thursday, March 31, 2011


Whether or not you think America is an equal place, I believe in equality and hope that one day everything is equal. I personally believe America is semi-equal, but, with the cosplay world, it is very unequal. Let's face it, in a hobby about "looks", people and their different perceptions of beauty oftentimes come into play. There is some over arching ideal of what is beautiful in cosplay that I do not necessarily agree with. Everyone is beautiful and should be allowed to do what they want (for fun) without being judged and mocked. We are all in this subculture - all in it for the fun of running around in our costumes. We do not (purposely) put our looks out there to be judged. Hell, we just want you to like our COSTUMES. But put a pretty person in a shitty costume in everyone goes absolutely nuts. Or a rather thin person. Or a person of an "acceptable race". It just infuriates me to no ends that people rarely judge on skill level anymore. It's making a way for those "cosplay models" who do not make their costumes to gain large fan bases for doing nothing, but looking attractive.

I would hope that, one day, all manners of people will be accepted to do this hobby without getting ridiculed within the fandom. Because that is driving people away. If solace can not be found in the fandom then where can it be found!?

Now, I am glad more people are becoming active in providing equal rights for different types of cosplayers. Because we are all human and all humans are not going to look the same.
Amazing blog that just started. I can not wait to see it grow a bit more to showcase the plus size cosplayers out there.
Project K is devoted to bringing ALL cosplayers together - no matter race, size, etc!

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